Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear Sophie

Whoa. That's COOL.  I am quite certain that I never received a personal letter from Santa as a kid. This is of course in response to Sophie's letter to Santa

Last year Zoe got a printed letter from one of Santa's elves; but this, this is the man himself. 

You've got to hand it to him; Santa is GOOD. Sophie is SOOOO holding it over her sister that she got a personal letter from Santa, and that he has something special just for her in his sack.   

And wow am I wishing I hadn't let them mail their letters to Santa a week apart.  Cause, um, what if Santa gets busy and doesn't have time to answer any more letters? Or if say, Santa's handwriting or stationary changes? Or if the elves write back instead? Or if no one writes back? 

Note to self: force children to mail Santa letters together forever more. 

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