Thursday, January 14, 2010

8 Years Old

How can it be that my little girls are already 8??? I don't how it happens; I keep telling them to "think little thoughts" but they just keep growing.

If I had to sum up the last year, it would be the year of lost teeth! I can't even count how many there were this year, but I'm guessing that each kid has a small fortune in their piggy bank from the Tooth Fairy. It was also the year that Zoe got glasses, the girls joined the Marlins Swim Team, Zoe played soccer, and Sophie used every waking moment to draw detailed pictures on whiteboards. Oh and boys called over Christmas break. BOYS. Oh yes they did. (Don't worry, we told the boys we moved. It worked until the girls went back to school.)

Happy 8th Birthday Zoe!! Happy 8th Birthday Sophie!!

Here's what you looked like when you were 7.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! they've grown so much in the past year. and they keep getting more gorgeous as well!

what happy mommas you much be!