Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome to 2009! Let's Review 2002....

Ok, so 7 days in 2009 and this is my first post of the year.  What's up you ask?  Well, just a little thing called the birthday month.  6 weeks early those little girls arrived, making me have to deal with their birthday a mere 20 days after Christmas.  Who's got time to take down the tree, the lights, the decorations, AND assemble 4294 Lego pieces into various Star Wars ships, AND plan a birthday party, AND go to work, oh yeah, and keep up this here blog?  Not me, that's who. 

Now we're down to 7 days to their birthday, 7 days to their 7th I thought I'd count down to number seven.  So following is Year 1 in pictures - can you believe they weighed only 4 lbs each? It seems like just a minute ago. 

1 comment:

rockmomnoff said...

Oh our babies are sooooo big now!! It literally flew by us so fast. I wish I could fly back and tell that new Mommy to take a breath it will be ok. Good job Honey. Love, Laura